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Amber's Page



Here you'll learn all about me: my  hobbies, my pets, and more. I will let you explore my web page!!!


On this home page, I'll introduce myself. I like animals. I like dogs,cats,and puppies,horses,kittens too. I have one gerbile,now, thanks to my very "nice" kitty who made the other one run away, one kitten,two big cats ,and two puppies!!! I have lots of friends.My hobbies are shopping for clothes,shoes,accesories, and books.


My pets!!!

My pets are  one of the most favorite things that I own! They are very special to me! I love my animals alot. I hope  that nothing ever happens to them. I have alot of pets and each one is very special in his or her own way.Each of my pets is like apart of my life. They are like a chunk of my heart, and when one dies it feels like i have been shot but still know that there is hope. That is why they are special to me. It is like  this... when an animal of mine dies or, gets hurt i know that i will live,but i am depressed. Same way with losing a very special family member. You miss them alot, but you know it will be o-k. And it does not matter wether an animal or human dies it is still almost the same sorrow to go through. It is very sad to see an animal or human go and get burried, butyou know that they go to heaven to live .And you also know that they are in a better place watching over you and that they are out of the pain that they had in them. I have lost a few family members and animals lately, but i know i will be o-k and you have to move on in your life when these things happen.


Dalmatian dog



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